DUI Accidents

Protecting Your Rights While Restoring Your Future

Maryland Accident Law Firm

Protecting Your Rights While Restoring Your Future

Being involved in any car accident can be upsetting. However, when a person is injured in a crash caused by an impaired driver, it can be even more traumatic. If you or a loved one was injured in a DUI accident, you need assertive and skilled representation. A DUI accident lawyer can help you navigate the legal maze of the claims process. You deserve the support of a passionate advocate who will fight to recover the compensation you need for your injuries.

Contact us today to speak with a knowledgeable lawyer. We proudly serve clients in the Baltimore metropolitan area, throughout Maryland, and Virginia.

Why Is Impaired Driving Dangerous?

Intoxicated drivers are the most dangerous of negligent drivers. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), someone is injured by an impaired driver every two minutes, and 28 people die every day in DUI accidents. Another startling statistic is that two out of every three Americans will be involved in a DUI accident during their lifetime. Despite the widespread knowledge of the dangers of drinking and driving, many people continue to engage in this reckless act.

Alcohol compromises a person’s physiologic responses, which are critical when it comes to driving safely and responsibly. Intoxicated driving is dangerous for many reasons, including:

  • Impaired judgment and poor concentration.
  • Loss of coordination and reduced reaction time.
  • Diminished capacity to navigate nighttime driving.
  • Blurred and decreased peripheral vision.
  • Inability to adjust to changing traffic and road conditions.

Who Can File a Lawsuit After a DUI Car Accident?

A DUI accident can have a tremendous impact on many different people. Rarely is the injured victim the only person deeply affected by the impaired driver’s poor judgment and decision-making. Every person injured in a crash due to another party’s negligence or recklessness has the right to file a lawsuit.

People who may be able to file a lawsuit after a DUI accident include:

  • Drivers on the road other than the impaired driver.
  • Passengers in other drivers’ vehicles.
  • Passengers in the impaired driver’s vehicle.
  • Pedestrians injured in the DUI accident.
  • Motorcyclists injured in the DUI accident.
  • Bicyclists injured in the DUI accident.
  • Family members of fatally injured victims.

What Should I Do if I Was Injured in a DUI Accident in Baltimore?

Every moment counts in the aftermath of a DUI accident. Your health and safety must be your first priority. The first minutes after an accident are critical, so knowing what steps to take is important.

The following are steps to take if you are involved in a DUI accident in the Baltimore metropolitan area:

  • Seek immediate medical attention.
  • If you were the other driver, move your vehicle and yourself to a safe location.
  • Call 911 or make sure that someone else does so that police and EMTs arrive at the scene.
  • Report the accident to your insurance company if you were a driver.
  • Keep copies of accident reports and documentation of your medical treatment.
  • If possible, exchange vital information with all other parties involved in the accident and any eyewitnesses.
  • Contact an experienced Baltimore DUI accident lawyer as soon as possible.

What Are Common Injuries in DUI Car Accidents?

DUI accidents can lead to various injuries. However, DUI accidents are particularly hazardous due to the level of recklessness that is usually involved. Impaired drivers often operate their vehicles at extreme speeds, putting everyone else in the vicinity at risk. DUI accidents can have catastrophic consequences when the crash is high-impact and head-on.

Common injuries in DUI accidents include:

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head trauma
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Muscle sprains and strains
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Hand and leg injuries
  • Death

Who Is Liable for a DUI Accident in Maryland?

DUI accident lawsuits often involve more than one liable party. Determining who shares blame along with the impaired driver might require some investigating, making it crucial to work with a skilled DUI accident lawyer.

The following parties may be held liable for a DUI accident:

  • The impaired driver.
  • Parents of the impaired driver.
  • Person who loaned a car to the impaired driver.
  • Establishment that overserved the impaired driver.
  • Establishment that served a minor driver alcohol.
  • Homeowner who overserved the impaired driver.
  • Homeowner who served a minor driver alcohol.

The general rule is that a third party must have known that the person was drunk and allowed them to drive anyway. Third-party claims become especially important in cases where the impaired driver is killed in the crash.

What Damages Can I Recover for My DUI Accident Claim?

Maryland law allows you to recover economic and non-economic damages for your DUI accident claim. Economic damages are tangible expenses and costs your injury led you to incur. This part of compensation is usually relatively straightforward to calculate.

Economic damages you may be entitled to include:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Emergency transportation and treatments
  • Hospital and surgery bills
  • Specialist and therapist appointments
  • Mental health treatment
  • Prescription medications
  • Cost of ongoing home care
  • Lost wages and decreased earning potential

Non-economic damages relate to intangible losses that are difficult to pinpoint. Typically, there is a significant emotional aspect to DUI accidents due to the impaired driver’s blatant disregard for the lives of others. The devastation associated with a crash caused by an impaired driver often leads to inestimable emotional trauma along with physical pain and suffering.

An experienced lawyer can help demonstrate the severity of your non-economic damages through:

  • The opinion of your healthcare providers related to the physical pain you suffered after the accident.
  • Your history of prescribed pain medications after the accident compared to before the accident.
  • Record any mental health treatments or care you received for emotional distress after the accident.
  • Written opinions of medical experts other than your doctor combined with research studies related to accident trauma.
  • Your account of the pain and suffering and mental anguish you experienced due to the accident.

How Long Do I Have to File a DUI Accident Claim in Maryland?

Maryland plaintiffs have three years from the date of injury to file an accident claim. In wrongful death lawsuits, the three-year timeline starts running at the date of death, which may be later than the date of accident and injury. A lawyer will ensure that all claims are filed correctly in a timely manner.

How Can a Maryland DUI Accident Lawyer Help With My Case?

DUI accident cases are intricate, with complex nuances and laws. A knowledgeable DUI accident lawyer can take the complex details out of your hands so you can focus on recovering.

Our Maryland DUI accident lawyers can help with the following:

  • Investigate the details of the DUI accident that caused your injury.
  • Obtain and review police reports, eyewitness statements, and medical records.
  • Identify liable parties.
  • Gather evidence.
  • Review your available insurance coverage.
  • Work with a team of medical and forensic experts.
  • Negotiate with insurance companies and opposing parties.
  • Be prepared to take your case to trial when applicable.

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, the laws are even more favorable to people injured by drunk drivers. In Virginia, injured parties are eligible for punitive damages in addition to damages related to medical expenses and pain and suffering. In Virginia, you may be entitled to punitive damages up to $350,000.00 in addition to compensation for your medical expenses and pain and suffering. Punitive damages punish the other driver for engaging in willful, wanton and reckless behavior. If you or a loved one is the victim of a drunk driver, call a lawyer immediately and get the justice you deserve.

Our Maryland DUI Accident Lawyers at Maryland Accident Law Firm Fight for Maximum Compensation for Our Clients

Our Maryland DUI accident lawyers at Maryland Accident Law Firm take pride in our mission to protect the rights of those injured through negligence or reckless disregard for human life. We will discuss your case to determine the most effective strategy for pursuing compensation. If you or someone you love was injured in a DUI accident, fill out our online form here. Located in Baltimore, we serve clients throughout Maryland and northern Virginia.